Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Morning
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
This year we went all out with the Christmas lights by stringing lights around our front window, putting our tree in a new place and changing our porch light to a green light bulb. That was a huge step for our family!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Aunt Corinne's Christmas card
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The girls along with their neighbor, Kayla, built a mommy and baby snowman. While Kayla's dad was sweet enough to snowblow our walks for us! I love my neighbors...especially the one's with fancy toys when it starts to snow.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Jeana and B-Ball
Jeana had been begging to play Basketball again this year, so we decided to sign her up, knowing that the teams are made up of 7-10 year olds. So, needless to say, she was not only the youngest on the team, but also the most height challenged, and one of two girls. However, she seemed to be oblivious to all these facts and had a great time anyway.
The hoop was a couple feet shorter than the standard (maybe around 8 feet) and by the end of the short season, she was getting pretty good at making shots (during practice, the games I think intimidated her a little.)
This is a quick shot of her impromptu team on the last game day. They ended up being short a few team members, so they recruited from other teams to avoid forfeiting.
Here is practicing with Brother V. He was her primary teacher at church last year and she just adored him and tracks him down every Sunday to give him a hug, card or candy. The Sunday before the game, she told him all about basketball and asked him to come watch a game. We didn't know about this until the night before when he called to double check on time. It was very sweet of him to take the time to support her b/c he is a busy guy with a busy family. Early in the fall she also suckered her school teacher into coming and watching her practice ballet and of course she came too. I am glad she has lots of great examples to look up to!
Showing off her skills and oh yeah, her favorite 'look.'
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Our First and ONLY EVER Dog
Meet Annie. Yes, I being the sweet wife/mother I am, I caved and gave into my husband's and daughters' pleadings (only because they were drastically influenced by their father) and we got ourselves a dog. I still don't know how long this will last, but in the meantime, she has become a part of the family. Back in November when David started his Family practice rotation, he brought a flyer home from one of the nurses. She was a rescue pet and I agreed to go look simply b/c the others he found online were pure bred and at least $500 each. This one came free with kennel and lots of goods. Oh and did I mention how in the summer time when he started looking I went to be nice (ok and a little out of fear that he would make some rash decision and come home with one on the spot if I wasn't there) and after much browsing, he informed me he no longer wanted a dog b/c I wasn't being supportive enough?! I guess he actually expected me to touch them. Anyhow, after all that and on the long drive up to the couple's house, I informed him we were looking, then would go home and discuss. We get there, the girls start begging for the dog and Dave then announces he's okay with taking her home, so after giving my sweet husband several dirty looks, I gave in and lost the 3 to 1 vote (knowing full well if I said 'no' I would have been made out to be the bad guy the rest of the drive home and several days following, but looking back that doesn't sound so bad?) The girls love to give her bath, feed her and take her outside (all very much not my jobs.) Does it sound at all like I'm whining? Oh that's probably because I am good at it!
She is cute, the girls named her Annie, she came fully potty/kennel trained and does some fun tricks. I have to admit, she has grown on me a little, but still not my thing at all especially with the oh so fun doggy smell and messy yard. And of all the people to favor in our home, she chose me, so that means from the time I wake up, she follows me everywhere. I sit, she jumps on my lap, some people find this cute, me--I am just realizing more and more that I am not a animal person, although a quick visit to the zoo and seeing animals from a distance, isn't so bad.
But I love my family, so thus I endure. If she is in our home a year, it will be a miracle. I have this odd feeling someday she might end up 'running away' like my brother's dog when we were little. :) jk kinda.