Saturday, February 13, 2010

President's Day

I love that Abby enjoys school so much, but sometimes it takes a little creativity on my part to figure out what she is learning.  She came home other day and said, "Mom, you know that guy who wanted to become president and so he grew a really long beard? Well, we learned about him today and even got to make a 'cavin' like the one he lived in."  

January was even better when Abby came home and said, "Mom today we learned about that one guy that we don't have school on Monday because of."  Vague I know, but since it was close enough to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it only took a minute.  I am so glad that my child keeps learning about 'guys' in school.  However, she then furthered her comment with, "Yeah, some people didn't like him and they were really mean to him because he had brown skin and not peach skin and we watched a movie on how people were mean to him and his family and started his house on fire and they even killed him.  Sad huh?  Mom, we should love everyone and not just people with peach skin."