Sunday, March 29, 2009

Grandpa, Grandma and Eva Came to Visit

At the end of March, David's parents came out of to visit and decided to bring the next oldest grandchild with them so the girls could all play.   We had a great time going to the Zoo, having a dress-up tea party at a local bakery and mostly just hanging out.  Grandma and Grandpa also taught my girls how to play card game 'spoons.'  My kids thought it was hilarious.  Of course that is partly b/c they put their own twist to it and every time someone lost they got a letter, the first one to spell the word D-O-N-K-E-Y had to act like one at the end.  Very funny.

Eva joined in on Jeana's dance class while they were here.  They both had a lot of fun and Eva was totally overly enthusiastic.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she left the one hour lesson with a few injuries.