Thursday, January 15, 2009

The past couple weeks have been in the 40-50s... which I am okay with since it is supposed to be winter time.  However, the past several days have been closer to 0 degrees with the wind chill.  So, I have to say, there is nothing better than a nice, warm drink!  My favorite being milk steamers.  If you live close to me, you know how much I like these things, if you don't, you should try them!  It really is just steamed milk with flavored creamer and heated in a cocoa-latte maker (it just makes the drink foamy...yumm.)  I think hot chocolate is usually too sweet, so this is a pleasant, but not too sweet treat!  So, if you have a hard time enduring the frigid weather...maybe a fun drink will help!


Sherry said...

How much flavored creamer? Cocoa hasn't been kind to me lately.

Jennett said...


you can add as much or little as you want, I just pour in a dab (maybe 1-2 tbsp or more if desired)

It is better to get the creamer from the dairy section instead of the powder. I think it tastes better.
Favorite flavors: White chocolate coconut (my most recent fav) southern buttered pecan, mint chocolate truffle and vanilla...let me know how it goes!

Stephanie said...

Oh goodness! This seriously sounds sooooo good. I agree about the hot cocoa being too sweet sometimes.

The Perry's said...

Hey Jet how are you!?!? I just want to jump through the screen and hug you!!! I got your Christmas card and I am now remembering to go check out your blog. I really miss you. I'm glad your steamed milk is comforting you during this winter. I love those and I love that you love those. Whenever I mention them to people they look at me like I'm crazy. Whateva they are crazy... they just don't know what they're missing.

Shad and Brittany said...

Thanks for leaving a post on our blog. Now I can see what the infamous Jennett is up to. It looks like things are going really well for you and the family. Keep in touch!